Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant: Stan the Man

Well done, good and faithful servant
Stan The Man at Rainy Lake

The world lost a good man this week.  Affectionately known as “Stan The Man,” among the legions of youth he led, Stan Johnson went home to be with his Lord at the age of 85.  My condolences to his family for their loss.

He was an important figure in my faith development.  I’ll never forget the campfires on the Canadian canoe trip.  Like another former youth group member said on the memorial Facebook site, Stan brought an extra element to “They Shoot Canoes, Don’t They?” [a humorous short story collection great to be shared at campfires] that no one else could duplicate.  Watching him tell the stories was WAY more entertaining than the stories themselves.  In fact, sometimes he was laughing so hard (not to mention other visuals and sounds happening) we couldn’t understand what he was saying, but we were laughing anyhow because of his laughter.

Another one was the favorite recipe of retreats known as Scrambled French Toast.  It always tastes a little better when you are on retreat, right?

Most of all, I will never forget that Stan showed me a God who loves me unconditionally.  He helped me establish that relationship as a young man that gives me strength today and forever.

I look forward to seeing Stan again in heaven.  Well done, good and faithful servant.

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I am a software lab manager in the Corporate Research Lab at 3M in St. Paul.

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